Thursday, August 23, 2007

Backing Up Your Blog

Meredith of Like Merchant Ships asks how to back-up a blog.

There are several ways of doing this, including saving your posts as a *.doc/Word file, or turning your blog into a book. (HT: Mary at The Vocation of Motherhood)

Your blogging host also should have instructions in their FAQ or Help file that will enable you to do this (almost) painlessly. Some of the most popular ones:

  • Basic Typepad instructions for making backups, from Neville Hobson.

  • If you've got a blog at, follow Lorelle's instructions.

  • For the Blogger blogger, here's how.

  • For wordpress (not users, you need to go into cPanel/
    phpMyadmin and backup the database from there. Detailed instructions can be found here.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

To everything there is a season

This time last year, I was barely blogging or even turning on the computer. Our darling Eileen had come to grace our lives forever, and her presence melted all words from my mind. I remember thinking how much I wanted to keep up "Cottage Blessings," but it was just impossible. The problem wasn't primarily a lack of time or energy either--the words simply were not there. Last July's archives contain only four posts: a meme completed by my eldest daughter, a picture of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a photograph of one-month-old Eileen, and a link to a Cottage Garden post about Luna moths. This July, by contrast, has been my most busy "posting month" ever, with a new entry written almost every day from our temporary home in San Francisco, a city bursting with ideas and inspiration.

Comparing the two Julys side by side, each with its unrepeatable joys, stories and memorable moments--one mostly unwritten and the other well documented--makes me realize more than ever that there is a time in our lives for everything. During some seasons of Motherhood, we are inspired to share our thoughts and stories, and during others we are called to silent reflection. Mary "pondered all these things in her heart."

Often, mothers leave thoughtful notes on their blogs saying, "I'm sorry I have been away so long" or "I have been doing a terrible job in posting." We all strive to be faithful to any task we take up, and it is natural to feel a bit bad when our blogs fall out of rhythm for a while. Still, I would say that this, like so many aspects of Motherhood, is part of God's plan for us. We should expect those inevitable quiet times, not feeling the least bit sorry when they come, but embracing them wholeheartedly.

Let us rejoice in both the stories and the silence.